Monday, February 15, 2010

'Michellin Advertisement'

1. I like the unique approach to why good tyres should be used. The use of animated animals brings a comical feel to a usually serious 'safety' subject.

2. Animated

3. The design and feel of the animation follows a more adult animation structure as opposed to more common childrens animations which tend to be a lot more colourful and intricate.

4. This is an advertisement for michellin tyres.

'Clash of the Gods'

1. I like the intricate, convincing graphics and well designed scenes that accurately display the intended purpose.

2. Special effects/graphics

3. Historical/education

4. Possible promotional tool/educational purposes.

'Justin Fox'

1. Really love the unique designs and contrast between the two pictures. Im a huge fan of the modernised 'cyborg' idea so these two images really appeal to me.

2. Photo manipualtion/editing

3. Sci-fi

4. Art portfolio/General art

'Morten Rowley'

1. I particularly like this artists new spin on an old art. His work, although anime in nature tends to have a different, slightly obscure feel. I particularly like the coloured images and there attention to detail.

2. Drawing/Cartoon

3. Anime/Cartoon

4. Art

'Legends 2 Medusa'

1. A very interesting spin on an old tale. Particularly like the simple but effective use of animation. Often simple and not too cluttered is best.

2. Animation

3. Childrens animation.

4. Advertisement for a milk company.