Tuesday, June 1, 2010

simpsons illustration

Composites Assignment


For over the rainbow I decided to follow the opposite path to the usual one and decided to follow the concept of the 'false rainbow.' My composite shows that often people spend their whole life searching for their 'rainbow' sometimes only to find that this rainbow does not exist. Within the composite there are two subtle photos of my own, one of which is my hands hanging off the cliff, and the other being my hand, manipulated to be on fire. There is also an illustration of a neon sign included in the composite.


After much deliberation it was decided to take this composite literal and show the old west. The Indian symbols in the stars represent the winning of the west as the various 'cowboy' western pictures roaming the desert shows that the cowboys have won and the Indians have lost, or are 'in the stars.' My own photos included are the cactus', taken in a garden near my home and the cowboy hat sitting in the sand. There is also my own illustration included with the rattlesnake in the sand.


'Stitch in time' was probably the hardest for me. After long consideration I came up with a concept. I eventually decided to use the words metaphorically with 'NINE' stitched into a persons arm with a watch representing 'time.' My own photos included are the hand and the knife.


For this composite I decided to take a literal approach again. I decided to experiment using very subtle symbols and imagery to convey my message whilst leaving the main image very open and empty. The subject is a homeless man obvious on first look by the cardboard box and depressed stance in which he is sitting. On further look one notices the guitar and case, thus suggesting the man is a musician. On further inspection the viewer notices the concert poster put up and down the wall past the man and the 'authorized access only' sign, suggesting that the place we are looking at is in fact a concert venue. After taking all the subtle hints into consideration the viewer is led to believe that the man is a musician that has 'faded away' instead of burning out. My own photographs that were included is the picture of the guitar, owned by my friend that is very battered and worn, and the picture of one the posters, taken from a show of my own and cut out and stuck into the composite. There is also an illustration of my own placed in the composite of a beer bottle.


For this composite it was again decided to take it very literal and after much consideration a picture was taken of myself with my arms thrusted out and mouth wide open. I used a picture taken by myself of The Rock and placed myself in it, as well as manipulated the sky to appear as if there was a storm. Through the use of photoshop brushes I created lightning coming from my hands and a tornado coming from my mouth. The composite displays a very literal and fantastical representation of the common saying.

Monday, May 10, 2010

muck around

got really bored and decided to muck around with different brushes i found on deviantart and stuff

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Over the Rainbow

Better to burn out than fade away

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Second photoshop work

Second photoshop work

Thursday 1st April photoshop work

Last weeks Photoshop Work

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bugs Bunny

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


IBM Logo

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

ME Composite ---- Forget where's Wally. Where's Leno?

My ideas for my self composite

1 Me jumping from the niagra falls

2 Superman

3 Me in a Firmentation tank

4 Hanging from high cliffs

5 Swinging from trees like monkey

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Innovative Menu Ideas

New iphone app linking you to google maps. This allows you to search restaurants in your area and automatically bring up their current menu allowing you to decide beforehand whether the restauraunt is for you or not.

Company '' create custom restaurant menus that light up to create an attractive alternative to common menus.

'Gizmodo' have created a state of the art way of displaying 3D food previews in restaurants. Although the technology is a working progress it could easily be improved upon and implemented into SOHO HA.

All new e-menu allows customers to order their food easily and effectively using this touchscreen computer.

Although this is not directly related to ordering or menu ideas, this interactive bar/table could be easily implemented or modified to relate to the task at hand and create a unique and aesthetically appealing drink ordering system.

5 New Interactive Technologies

This is a large multi-touch screen capable of moving and enlarging images and videos. Potential use for display/interactive menu able to display food and products effectively. Will allow users to easily stretch and zoom into any photo of a food or product as well as bring up information/ingredients for various dishes available.

Here we have 'telepresence.' A very star wars-ish holographic technology. Could be cool to display dishes within the restaurant. Possible use of a holographic artificial waiter at each table.

Voice recognition software. At the moment is not working too great but has a lot of potential. Could allow for easy food ordering. Possible integration with touchscreen table or wall to add to the ordering experience.

Touchscreen wall most likely to fit into my idea for enclosed booths with walls surrounding the customer. Walls could display menu with touchscreen ordering and then show scenes or layouts appropriate to restaurant theme or idea.

Pretty cool idea for restaurant. Doubt its practical but certain concepts such as the moving tables, transgressing through certain scenes and layouts, or the practical use of the touchscreen menus could be implemented into some of my ideas.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Composites exercise:

Space composite:

Early bird gets the worm:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Double-Taker (Snout), Interactive Robot from Golan Levin on Vimeo.

Really cool interactive idea

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Love this album cover.. Soo detailed and articulate!

Pretty awesome.. Very different stye of illustration

Looks really cool.. Love these kind of darker animations

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Really love the effects in these particular videos. Fairly violently/graphically intense but either way can't deny the epic effects and scenes in both videos. These guys really impress me with there very thought out, theme based artwork/videos.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Something a friend of mine made - NOT FOR THE WEAK STOMACH

1. First of all, one of the strangest stories, but quite unique. Cool use of cartoon, dark and eery music.

2. Drawing, Cartoon.

3. Adult Cartoon

4. Art

'Michellin Advertisement'

1. I like the unique approach to why good tyres should be used. The use of animated animals brings a comical feel to a usually serious 'safety' subject.

2. Animated

3. The design and feel of the animation follows a more adult animation structure as opposed to more common childrens animations which tend to be a lot more colourful and intricate.

4. This is an advertisement for michellin tyres.

'Clash of the Gods'

1. I like the intricate, convincing graphics and well designed scenes that accurately display the intended purpose.

2. Special effects/graphics

3. Historical/education

4. Possible promotional tool/educational purposes.

'Justin Fox'

1. Really love the unique designs and contrast between the two pictures. Im a huge fan of the modernised 'cyborg' idea so these two images really appeal to me.

2. Photo manipualtion/editing

3. Sci-fi

4. Art portfolio/General art

'Morten Rowley'

1. I particularly like this artists new spin on an old art. His work, although anime in nature tends to have a different, slightly obscure feel. I particularly like the coloured images and there attention to detail.

2. Drawing/Cartoon

3. Anime/Cartoon

4. Art

'Legends 2 Medusa'

1. A very interesting spin on an old tale. Particularly like the simple but effective use of animation. Often simple and not too cluttered is best.

2. Animation

3. Childrens animation.

4. Advertisement for a milk company.

Song made in Digital Media Class on Friday

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Australian Designer John Hocking

Love this guys work! so detailed and articulate.

Some of my favourite bands artworks.

Really love the use of colour in the first link - or the lack thereof. Feel the use of little colour really allows the artwork to stand out compared to most band artwork of that genre whch tends to be very bright and busy concerning colours.

Yeah thats right we have a grandma on keys

Some of my bands stuff

One of our originals:

Cover we did for Dimeday 2009: